What is Domino?
Domino is a small rectangular block of wood or plastic, marked on one side with dots resembling those on dice. When the first domino is pushed on, it sets off a chain reaction that causes other dominoes to fall, one by one, until the entire line of them falls. A domino can be arranged in straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, or 3D structures like towers and pyramids. Dominos are used in many games, and can be played alone or with more than one person.
In a game of domino, players try to be the first to get all their pieces out onto the table in order. The tiles are then laid end to end so that the matching ends touch, with a double touching two singles on its sides. A player scores a point when the total number of points at the exposed ends (plus the number of points on the two adjacent doubles) is a multiple of five. The points are counted as the player plays them, with each new domino adding to the total of the previous piece.
A more advanced skillful game of domino is played in tournaments and leagues, where players compete to be the first to reach a set number of points, often 61. In this game, each player starts with a hand of dominoes containing seven tiles. The remaining dominoes are placed in a row, and players take turns picking the top tiles from this row to add to their own hand. Each time a tile is added to the hand, it becomes the starting place for the next round of play.
Domino’s is a popular restaurant chain that has a long history of listening to its customers. When the company was facing financial difficulties, CEO David Brandon and his management team listened to complaints from employees and made changes to the business that addressed the concerns. The changes were a success and the company rebounded from its financial problems. Domino’s has continued to follow this value and listen to its customers, making it a successful restaurant in the process.
The earliest dominoes were probably made of bone or wood, but they can also be found in a variety of other materials such as marble, granite and soapstone; stone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell or ivory; metals; ceramic clay; or even clear glass. Modern dominoes are typically crafted of heavy polymer material, although some sets still feature a more traditional look by being made of bone, silver lip oyster shell (mother of pearl), or carved ivory with contrasting black or white pips. Some more expensive sets include the more traditional materials, and have a higher weight that gives them more of a solid feel to them than polymer versions. This is due to the fact that these sets have a higher number of pips per square inch, which allows more unique combinations of ends and thus more pieces in the set.